A lil ditty on how to reach Seventh-Heaven where A-L-L our desires come to eternal fruition:
Friday, March 12, 2021
Volunteerism’s a fabulous idea, not just at TRM but at homeless shelters all-over-this-nation:
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Want Seventh-Heaven?
1) Love the TRI-nity alone:
~Father, Son, Holy Spirit~
2) Love everyone else
-Jesus (Romans 10:10)
Want the Abyss o'Misery with no
care how YOU let slimy, savvy
satan deceive you??
Do the opposite:
ABORTION! (kill thy kids)
HOMOSEXUALITY! (kill thy anus)
IDOLATRY! (kill thy soul)
Aliens from the Abyss (to kill YOU)
YOU and I are but a teeny-weeny-puffOsmoke:
'Out! Out! Brief candle!!' (Shakespeare) -
our existence ebbs-out her lil day. Out
of time. Eternity dawns. Alas! The most
pressing question is: to what literal end
are our moral choices taking U.S. at the
Finish Line when we mortals must
stand before our God? the Final Accounting
is all that's paramount, fellow sinners:
Will I spend eternity in escatic fantasy,
endless love I was created to receive??
Or in a never-ending-execution for
Msr. Norman Conquest:
of the BEAST, America!
Why? ~IF~ you accept the
Mark on your hand or
forhead, how can you escape
damnation?? Didnt
YOU pick the LEFT path
outta your own free will,
disregarding the mandates
set-forth by your Maker?
YOU chose the nefarious world
leaving-out the endless infinity
with Psycadelic Altruism,
thinking you're somehow
better than Almighty God!!
So dont diss Jesus, bro,
in this existence finite.
our lit .45-caliber-blogOramma
tellsya how if you dont
skip o'er like a stone
fading into the pond
never to be seen again!
PS: Irrespective of what you believe, humanity, every mortal human has their Divine Destiny due to free will: Heaven or Hell (or Purgatory which is ending in the bombastically bodacious Great Beyond).
Thus, the choice is quite obvious: God created the L-I-A-R to show U.S. the Way Upstairs. Saint Thomas Aquinas sed, 'Nil hoc Verbo veritatis verius' (Latin: nothing could be more True than the Word of Truth). And the Truth is the Don.
For those who cannot or dont wanna 'read-between-the-lines', Joe's simply a puppet who dances on a string controlled by the deep state; soon, I suspect, plastic GIJoe shall be done away with as all the 'useless eaters' who arent of any consequence to the elite.
'Though you spin the truth, Rachael, there's Only One Truth'. Apparently, you have never heard of an axiom: she's a lesbian, thus, they dont know the Truth, thus, how can we trust her?
God Bless You.
Monday, April 22, 2019
IN HOC SIGNO + VINCES: Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux!!!
Take the Red Pill:
(When I 'died' in '85
[Google: 'NDE experiences'],
I ascended, actually saw
Seventh-Heaven's huge castle
yet wasnt allowed in. Grrr.
God was XXX-tremely nice
to this poor, mortal sinner:
you know XXX-actly what I
did with my spare time...)
'the more you shall honor Me,
lotta peepow 'say' just that:
Oh, yeah! I love God!!!
and go on risking their lives,
never connecting the dots.
We cannot be fence sitters:
no sex before marriage.
(which is simply repulsive:
the anus is for pooping only)
No! bloody! abortion!!!
Q: why do I say what we all
have come to believe is
normal activity now??
A: we DO NOT
believe as a nation now
anything is wrong withat...
till we croak. So, hmmm, why
not warn'm before and
save summore! souls??
Q: how do you get
God into your heart
Who'll bless your-socks-off
and influence U.S. to
think about our eternity
rather than the whorizontal
which's vibrantly temporal?
A: kneel at the side
of your bed at night
(or whenever)
and ask Jesus.
Yes, it's that easy.
God bless you.
...besides, peepow, unless
you're married to ONE man+
ONE woman, true as the north
star, Jesus is soon coming
back so it wouldnt be a very
wise ideato put condumb NOW.
Why? Follow our logic:
SECOND: we'll perish.
THIRD: we gotta stand in fronta
Jesus someday who'll tella youse
'Your finite existence? Is over.
Done. Kaput. Whot YOU yourself
have accomplished on earth will
be judged. Ready?' (wearing a
condumb is also a mortal sin:
it blocks your semen at times
from making her pregnant, letting
YOU be the sole god and judge)
See TroubledYouth for
more info, miss...
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
I totally guarantee:
God Almighty made U.S.
Doesnt matter if you're a proud
Neither is Satan,
the bloody LIAR
who, like a Persian rug,
with a lil oui, oui.
'Not one soul will perish
who puts their trust in Me'
Most atheists are quite intelligent, too,
though very ignorant without a NDE
which I myself had during our trauma;
thus, when Almighty God created U.S.
sHe formed each one to be indelible:
by directing them to my worthless-
.45-calibre-URLs which are the catalyst
<- precisely why God
doesnt allow certain
humans into Heaven
UNLESS they repent.
Do I? Yes! Divine Mercy
prayer at 3pm everyday
all that matters is you say
it each day).